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Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Management 

Gain a competitive advantage and maximize savings through reduced customs duties

Fully utilize the power of trade agreements to bring savings

ONESOURCE FTA Management gives you the confidence to act boldly and realize full potential of FTAs available to your organization. With 300+ trade agreements, FTA utilization is a complex task. Our FTA Management software enables you to identify opportunities to qualify goods under FTA-specific rules of origin; streamline logistical processes; cut down manual work; comply with FTA guidelines; and reduce or eliminate duties.

Today, world’s largest multinational firms rely on ONESOURCE FTA software. Our tool enables you to fully leverage any existing, changing, or future free trade agreements like RCEP, CPTPP, JP-EU EPA, UK-JP EPA, AFTA, EU-Vietnam FTA and more.

Simplify processes. Collaborate faster. Reduce duties.

Data analysis

Use your data to find the best FTA utilization strategies in cases of overlapping agreements and supply chain location decisions.

Global trade content

Apply the latest rules of origin for current and future FTAs.

Document retention

Support FTA compliance monitoring by using our system-based document retention for easier verification.

FTA compliance monitoring

​Get real-time reporting for FTA compliance, including warnings where origin thresholds may be breached.

Supplier portal

Manage suppliers and FTA certification and validate thresholds online.

Meet each trade challenge with confidence with ONESOURCE Global Trade.

Global Trade Content

Case study

Shimano Inc.

Proactively replacing manual processes to fully leverage RCEP and JP-EU EPA

"After discussing several other options, we concluded ONESOURCE FTA Management software is the most practical solution."

Mr. Shinya Tanaka
Sales Management Division Manager/EPA Promotion Division Team Leader
Bicycle Components Division, Sales Department
Shimano Inc.

Now is the time. Make optimal use of all trade agreements available to your business.

Ask us for a demo or more information to make the right decision