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Workflow manager

Deadline, process data management and collaboration to power your entire tax process

Produce consistent, provision-ready, and compliant data without using countless spreadsheets

A tax department is regularly challenged to make magic happen. How do you connect several departments, in various countries or regions, with countless spreadsheets and documents to produce consistent, provision-ready, compliant data? If only it was easy as magic. 

In reality, you need an automated tax workflow management software that improves efficiency and control. You need the power to look into projects to check their status at every stage. You need a process that helps you make quick decisions, track accuracy and report with confidence. Simply put, you need control over your entire tax workflow, you need ONESOURCE WorkFlow Manager

ONESOURCE gives 99% time-savings back to VF Corporation

Hear CPA Caleb Tevis explain how ONESOURCE WorkFlow Manager helped VF Corporation keep all of their existing data in one place


Work together, smarter, faster, simpler.

GET in control of your data and processes while operating under unprecedented controls and security.

End-to-end visibility

Track and analyze projects at every stage, automate manual tasks, and easily find the information you need to make strategic decisions.

Secure collaboration

Connect to users globally via a web-based platform, with a security model which can be administered by you.

Defensible data

Get easy access to your tax compliance history with an audit trail, and data protection with built-in security and automatic back-up.

Timely project completion and tracking with secure access anywhere, anytime for virtual teams

ONESOURCE WorkFlow Manager combines document management, data management, and collaboration tools to drive your tax process from start to finish.


Due date tracking

With ONESOURCE Calendar, track due dates, instantly determine upcoming filings and payments, update the status of outstanding items, allocate items to users globally to ensure accountability and flag those things that need your immediate review.


Data consistency

With ONESOURCE DataFlow, collect, direct and manage data in any format and make it consistent. Our web-based spreadsheets ensure your manual excel workpapers become streamlined. Data can be distributed and monitored easily, housed in a central repository for review, and updated in real time between data collectors and collators.


Centralize documents

With ONESOURCE Calendar, track due dates, instantly determine upcoming filings and payments, update the status of outstanding items, allocate items to users globally to ensure accountability and flag those things that need your immediate review.

WorkFlow Manager makes our process truly efficient. With the time saved, I’m looking forward to spending more time on tax strategy and analysis that will benefit the company as a whole.
Ready to collaborate across your tax workflow with lightening speed?